Are you preparing for a JavaScript interview? Look no further! This comprehensive guide covers the most common and crucial JavaScript interview questions you’re likely to encounter. From basic concepts to advanced topics, we’ve got you covered. Boost your confidence and increase your chances of landing that dream job with our expertly curated list of JavaScript interview questions.
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language used to create interactive and dynamic web content. It is a versatile, lightweight, and event-driven language that can run on both the client and server sides.
JavaScript supports the following data types:
A closure is a function that retains access to its outer scope variables even after the outer function has executed.
Hoisting is JavaScript's behavior of moving variable and function declarations to the top of their scope during compilation.
this refers to the context in which a function is executed. Its value depends on how the function is called.
Prototypes allow objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects.
JavaScript uses the event loop with callbacks, promises, and
async/await for asynchronous operations.
Example: using a callback
Example: Using a Promise
Example: Using async/await
A promise represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
async/await allows writing asynchronous code that looks synchronous.
Event delegation allows you to handle events for multiple child elements at the parent level.
Modules allow you to organize code into reusable files using import and export
You can use a debounce function.
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The event loop processes tasks from the queue and stack for asynchronous operations.
The bind() method creates a new function with a specific this value and optional arguments.
Prototype chaining is used to build new types of objects based on existing ones. It is similar to inheritance in a class based language. i.e, When you create an object using a constructor function or a class, the created object inherits properties from a prototype object. The prototype on object instance is available through Object.getPrototypeOf(object) or __proto__ property whereas prototype on constructor function is available through Object.prototype.totype chain
JSON is a text-based data format following JavaScript object syntax, which was popularized by Douglas Crockford. It is useful when you want to transmit data across a network. It is basically just a text file with an extension of .json, and a MIME type of application/json.
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The slice() method returns the selected elements in an array as a new array object. It selects the elements starting at the given start argument, and ends at the given optional end argument without including the last element. If you omit the second argument then it selects till the end of the array. This method can also accept negative index which counts back from the end of the array.
The splice() method adds/removes items to/from an array, and then returns the removed item. The first argument specifies the array position/index for insertion or deletion whereas the optional second argument indicates the number of elements to be deleted. Each additional argument is added to the array.
An arrow function is a shorter/concise syntax for a function expression and does not have its own this, arguments, super, or These functions are best suited for non-method functions, and they cannot be used as constructors.
In Javascript, functions are first class objects. First-class functions means when functions in that language are treated like any other variable. For example, in such a language, a function can be passed as an argument to other functions, can be returned by another function and can be assigned as a value to a variable. For example, in the below example, handler functions assigned to a listener
A first-order function is a function that doesn’t accept another function as an argument and doesn’t return a function as its return value.
A higher-order function is a function that accepts another function as an argument or returns a function as a return value or both. The syntactic structure of higher order function will be as follows.
Currying is the process of taking a function with multiple arguments and turning it into a sequence of functions each with only a single argument. Currying is named after a mathematician Haskell Curry. By applying currying, an n-ary function turns into a unary function
A Pure function is a function where the return value is only determined by its arguments without any side effects. i.e, If you call a function with the same arguments 'n' number of times and 'n' number of places in the application then it will always return the same value
The let statement declares a block scope local variable. Hence the variables defined with let keyword are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression on which it is used. Whereas variables declared with the var keyword used to define a variable globally, or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope.
let is a mathematical statement that was adopted by early programming languages like Scheme and Basic. It has been borrowed from dozens of other languages that use let already as a traditional keyword as close to var as possible.
encodeURI() function is used to encode an URL. This function requires a URL string as a parameter and return that encoded string. decodeURI() function is used to decode an URL. This function requires an encoded URL string as parameter and return that decoded string.
Memoization is a functional programming technique which attempts to increase a function’s performance by caching its previously computed results. Each time a memoized function is called, its parameters are used to index the cache. If the data is present, then it can be returned, without executing the entire function. Otherwise the function is executed and then the result is added to the cache. Let's take an example of adding function with memoization.
Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables, function declarations and classes are moved to the top of their scope before code execution
A closure is the combination of a function bundled(enclosed) together with its lexical environment within which that function was declared. i.e, It is an inner function that has access to the outer or enclosing function’s variables, functions and other data even after the outer function has finished its execution. The closure has three scope chains
Scope is the accessibility of variables, functions, and objects in some particular part of your code during runtime. In other words, scope determines the visibility of variables and other resources in areas of your code.
A Service worker is basically a script (JavaScript file) that runs in the background, separate from a web page and provides features that don't need a web page or user interaction. Some of the major features of service workers are Rich offline experiences(offline first web application development), periodic background syncs, push notifications, intercept and handle network requests and programmatically managing a cache of responses.
Service worker can't access the DOM directly. But it can communicate with the pages it controls by responding to messages sent via the postMessage interface, and those pages can manipulate the DOM.
The problem with service worker is that it gets terminated when not in use, and restarted when it's next needed, so you cannot rely on global state within a service worker's onfetch and onmessage handlers. In this case, service workers will have access to IndexedDB API in order to persist and reuse across restarts.
IndexedDB is a low-level API for client-side storage of larger amounts of structured data, including files/blobs. This API uses indexes to enable high-performance searches of this data.
Post message is a method that enables cross-origin communication between Window objects.(i.e, between a page and a pop-up that it spawned, or between a page and an iframe embedded within it). Generally, scripts on different pages are allowed to access each other if and only if the pages follow same-origin policy(i.e, pages share the same protocol, port number, and host).
LocalStorage is the same as SessionStorage but it persists the data even when the browser is closed and reopened(i.e it has no expiration time) whereas in sessionStorage data gets cleared when the page session end
The Window object implements the WindowLocalStorage and WindowSessionStorage objects which has localStorage(window.localStorage) and sessionStorage(window.sessionStorage) properties respectively. These properties create an instance of the Storage object, through which data items can be set, retrieved and removed for a specific domain and storage type (session or local).
Web storage is more secure, and large amounts of data can be stored locally, without affecting website performance. Also, the information is never transferred to the server. Hence this is a more recommended approach than Cookies.
Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations. They provide an alternative approach for callbacks by reducing the callback hell and writing the cleaner code.
Server-sent events (SSE) is a server push technology enabling a browser to receive automatic updates from a server via HTTP connection without resorting to polling. These are a one way communications channel - events flow from server to client only. This has been used in Facebook/Twitter updates, stock price updates, news feeds etc.
Strict Mode is a new feature in ECMAScript 5 that allows you to place a program, or a function, in a “strict” operating context. This way it prevents certain actions from being taken and throws more exceptions. The literal expression "use strict"; instructs the browser to use the javascript code in the Strict mode.
Strict mode is useful to write "secure" JavaScript by notifying "bad syntax" into real errors. For example, it eliminates accidentally creating a global variable by throwing an error and also throws an error for assignment to a non-writable property, a getter-only property, a non-existing property, a non-existing variable, or a non-existing object.
Global variables are those that are available throughout the length of the code without any scope. The var keyword is used to declare a local variable but if you omit it then it will become global variable.
Event flow is the order in which event is received on the web page. When you click an element that is nested in various other elements, before your click actually reaches its destination, or target element, it must trigger the click event for each of its parent elements first, starting at the top with the global window object.
Event bubbling is a type of event propagation where the event first triggers on the innermost target element, and then successively triggers on the ancestors (parents) of the target element in the same nesting hierarchy till it reaches the outermost DOM element(i.e, global window object).